Facepunch Birmingham
We moved offices this year. It's been a bit of an adventure. Our old office in Bloxwich was a convenient thing - it was close to our houses.
This new office is for the staff. It's in Birmingham City Center, right by the train station, right by hotels and restaurants and bars, which is all relatively close to an international airport.
This new office is for the staff. It's in Birmingham City Center, right by the train station, right by hotels and restaurants and bars, which is all relatively close to an international airport.

We had office design firm Oktra fit it out, because they'd already done a bunch of game companies. It was pretty surprising how fast it all came together.
Suprisingly, it was under 6 months to go from an empty shell to a working office.
Suprisingly, it was under 6 months to go from an empty shell to a working office.

That's my office on the left.

This is a wellness corner. Office designers love stuff like this because they get to put the design in for awards. The theory is that if an employee is feeling stressed or upset they can go and sit here and feel better. We call it the crying corner.
In reality, the only reason anyone goes here is to tell people how we got fooled into adding it.
In reality, the only reason anyone goes here is to tell people how we got fooled into adding it.

The board room. I don't know how to use anything in here yet.

We wanted three monitors per desk. I think that's too much now. I think people are going to have as many monitors as you let them have and we should have drawn the line at two.

We have a bar at the center of the office. There's a TV at the back so we can watch videos of people falling over on youtube while we eat our sandwiches.

And we have an office barber - so we had to have a proper place for him to cur our hair.

It's such a nice office and it cost us so much that you'd think it would be a good idea to force all of our devs to work from here instead of letting them work from home. That's not the Facepunch way though. My attitude is here's a nice accessible office if you want it - it's up to you to find the best way to work.
So come join Facepunch - we've got a nice office you don't have to attend!
So come join Facepunch - we've got a nice office you don't have to attend!
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