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I haven’t blogged for a while because I’ve been a busy bugger. People have started to email, text, tweet and comment asking me to make a post. So here it is.


Alex is awesome. He’s 11 weeks old tomorrow. He’s been sleeping through the night from 9 weeks. This is all thanks to my dentist who recommended this book. It’s basically about putting the baby in a routine. The heath workers and midwives hate it. Their advice is for the baby to tell you when it wants to feed, or wants to go to sleep. To basically let it do what it wants. That’s bullshit. This book will tell you hour by hour what to do. When to sleep, when to eat, when to shit. Alex is very very happy and I can only imagine it would have been all over the place without this book.

New House

Did I mention that I’d bought a new house? I think I did. Well I did. We were planning to renovate it. So I met with an architect. 30 minutes later I found myself explaining to Sarah that I had been convinced to demolish it and start again from scratch. We’re planning it out now.. but it’s gonna be pretty cool. One of the big reasons for the decision was that when you new build a house you don’t pay any VAT (20{a1da5f31666ba9e4b613f74c475fa44930e0dd96d95a00cdfc356ce4f15804bc}). So even though you’re probably paying more to build it.. you’re getting 20{a1da5f31666ba9e4b613f74c475fa44930e0dd96d95a00cdfc356ce4f15804bc} off – and everything is brand new and exactly how you want it.


Rust is going to be going on Steam in the next couple of weeks. I made a trailer for it last week. There was a lot of debate about the trailer not being moody, not having explosions and stuff. I am a strong believer in being different. I would rather be different than anything else.. because if you’re going to be the same as everyone else why bother. That was one of the reasons for making the trailer how it is. Kind of light hearted. Making people laugh is a lot easier than making them feel anything else. That’s why the trailer isn’t a boring predictable zombie horror movie.

Next gen consoles

I find it hard to get excited about the next gen consoles. Slightly better GPU, slightly better CPU, slightly more memory. Now consoles can do what PCs have been capable of for 5+ years.

My big want for a console is an app store like on iOS. Games that don’t cost a fortune, lots of variety, easy to submit new games. What I don’t want is 7 games, all £50+. That is not what I want at all.

I’m not dying to play any of the new games. They’re not platform sellers for me. But maybe that’s because I’m a PC gamer at heart and feel that console games are kind of dumb.


Facepunch is going well. We are 12 strong in office now (13 next week). There’s lots of experimentation going on. Lots of tea being drunk (and a lot of monster energy drink).

We’re kind of outgrowing the office already. We’re going to be partitioning the downstairs this year and setting up some offices down there. But if we carry on at this rate we might be looking for a new bigger office quite soon.

The first batch of bonuses went out this week – and everyone is happy. We have decided to not reveal bonus percentages, and to pay them out quarterly. The bonus system is definitely motivating people.. just like we expected it to do. And on a personal level it really feels like the right thing to do.

We’re doing the Christmas Card thing again. Our receptionist Sam has been really busy writing cards.. and we’re going to be closing it off soon.. so if you want one you betta hury up!

We’re also looking forward to going to the Steam Dev Days next year!

Is that it?

I think that’s it. Cya next year!


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