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I spent fucking ages coding a whole cloud workflow to process videos on Azure Media Services. Like, a week or something, making it so when you uploaded a video it got turned into a thumbnail, a thumbnail video, and 3 different sized of video, then uploaded to our CDN. 

I was really happy to get it working, I was really happy that I could press a button and re-process 300 videos within a few minutes.

Then literally a month after I finished, I got this email
Oh nice one. So all I did was made the videos get processed with FFMpegCore, and although it was slower.. it works and is a much more fool proof system.
FFMpegArguments args = FFMpegArguments.FromUrlInput( new Uri( url ) );

var output = args.OutputToFile( tempFile, false, options =>
		.WithDuration( maxDuration )
		.WithVideoCodec( VideoCodec.LibX264 )
		.WithVideoBitrate( bitrate )
		.WithFramerate( frameRate )
		.WithConstantRateFactor( crf )
		.WithSpeedPreset( Speed.Fast )
} );

await output.ProcessAsynchronously();
I was hesitant to do this because it's processing as an Azure function, so the hardware is really low power.. but for now it works. 

If it gets to be a problem in the future we can probably make a server in the office to work its way through a video processing queue.
Matias Barros
Sunday, July 14, 2024
I hate cloud services so much for this kind of crap
Monday, July 15, 2024
So frustrating, but at the end of the day processing with FFMpeg is going to ensure you don't have to worry about this for a long, long time :)
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Wait i heard you got DMCAd  by Dafukboom what happened
Chapter One
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Hey Gary, 

I'm taking a shot in the dark here and was wondering if you had time to sit down and evaluate my indie game that i've worked on in my free time for the last 6ish years. I don't want to take up too much of your time. Ideally, nothing more than 30 minutes. Just looking for a brief evaluation and hopefully some insight/guidance you might have for us based on your experience as a game developer.

The game is called Echoes of Ednus. If you'd be willing to entertain this request, you can dm me on insta @echoesofednus or email us at chapteronerpg@gmail.com.

Thank You,
Felix K
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Day 1 of waiting for an answer from senpai Garry

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