๐Ÿ“ฆ about ๐Ÿงป posts
I thought it would die down, but I'm still getting a ton of dms, voicemails, emails and actual physical hand written letters about this.. so I thought it would be a good idea to present evidence to shut people up.

The Domain

There's a claim that the DMCA takedowns are fake because the domain isn't Nintendo's domain. the "-mm" on the end proves that its fake, because a Nintendo domain wouldn't have that. It's an obvious forgery.

No-one stopped to ask why use a fake domain at all. Why not just be like "aaron.peters@nintendo.com" - it would be more believable. If they did that, would you think it was real? No? So what difference does it make.

Mark Monitor

The domain isn't really owned by Nintendo. It's most likely owned by the company they subcontract this stuff to. Rather than pay someone in-house to watch the internet and issue takedowns, they subcontract that to another company.

This company is acting on Nintendo's behalf, under the instruction of Nintendo. It makes sense that Nintendo wouldn't want to give them an official email address on nintendo.com - that is not good practice.

We know Nintendo use Mark Montior. They talk about it openly and information is available on their official website.

Aaron Peters

This guy doesn't exist. Well, he might, but I don't think he does.

If you look at the history of takedowns, you will notice they started as real Nintendo employees. Then they all switched to Aaron. I would guess that this is because the internet is full of crazies.

So it makes sense that you invent a name to be the target of that stuff. Let the internet shout at an empty chair.


The other small nugget of information that people seem to be ignoring is that multiple people have had confirmation from Nintendo themselves. Including us.

You would think that would kind of trump every other conspiracy theory, but for some reason this ARG won't die, even after it's been cremated, and buried.


I don't really understand the anger people have shown about this stuff. It doesn't seem logical to me. Maybe I grew up in a different time where IP, trademarks and copyright laws were obvious no brainers.

Maybe because of streaming and Steam this generation grew up without real piracy. Maybe they don't understand all that because they can post music and videos in their memes on tiktok and no-one gets pissed.

The attitude shouldn't be anger and outrage that it is being stopped; it should be surprise and delight that you got away with it for so long.

Companies letting you use their IP like this isn't the default. When a company lets you get away with using their IP in UGC in another game they're a cool company. When they don't, they're a normal company.
Obsidian Plague
Thursday, May 30, 2024

"The attitude shouldn't be anger and outrage that it is being stopped; it should be surprise and delight that you got away with it for so long."
ah yes, i should be surprised and delighted a decade's woth of addons are getting wiped from history
...what the hell is this boomerass mindset, garry
g ooose
Thursday, May 30, 2024
"The attitude shouldn't be anger and outrage that it is being stopped; it should be surprise and delight that you got away with it for so long."
not only is this a boomerass mindest garry but i really do agree with it; the sphere around nintendo gmod content is SO overdone anyway and it's done its course
Friday, May 31, 2024
piss brain
Friday, May 31, 2024
>Companies letting you use their IP like this isn't the default. When a company lets you get away with using their IP in UGC in another game they're a cool company. When they don't, they're a normal company.

I wouldn't even say "cool" company, more like they just don't care enough to do anything about it. People get attached to brands and forget that the companies behind them aren't their buddies. Of course this was going to happen at some point but Nintendoids are so brainwashed by Mario and Zelda that their heckin Nintenderino could never ever ever ever ever do something like this.

This is probably baby's first sitewide takedown for a lot of these people, but holy shit.
Friday, May 31, 2024
Have you looked into any potential evidence concerning Nintendo contracting an AI company to automate takedowns on their behalf (either with GMod add-ons or maybe just in general), resulting in this situation? Because we at least have evidence that The Pokemon Company is doing so with a company named Tracer AI.
Spaceturd 64
Friday, May 31, 2024
"Have you looked into any potential evidence concerning Nintendo contracting an AI company to automate takedowns on their behalf (either with GMod add-ons or maybe just in general), resulting in this situation? Because we at least have evidence that The Pokemon Company is doing so with a company named Tracer AI." This is pretty insignificant information. Whether it's AI or not, the situation isn't changing anytime soon so there's no point looking deeper into it.
Friday, May 31, 2024
Garry I don't think you understand the big reason people are upset. Nintendo threw out decades of the status quo on the workshop, people don't like that kind of change out of the blue.
Friday, May 31, 2024
Also will add a twisted part of me is kind of amused you are being bombarded still which damn the last thing I remember that put the Gmod community is a tizzy was when the game analytics was first added. If I am being 100% honest you might need to put your foot down on the Gmod community to get them to stop.
Friday, May 31, 2024
Final note I will add (I hate being this guy posting back to back, but it won't let me just edit my first comment), I only found this after looking in a 389 page thread on the steam discussions, (kind of surprised it hasn't been locked yet also I don't use Twitter which I refuse to call X) so I don't think most people that are bombarding you are gonna see what you posted here might be best to make an announcement somewhere people will actually see it. Might have a lock a few threads down.
Dan Bugglin
Friday, May 31, 2024
At the end of the day Nintendo is just doing what every other company is doing and looking out for their own interest within the bounds of the law.

If we (at least, Americans) don't like it, we need to get the law changed. Write your congressmen and demand your right to use the content you consume. Less rights for the copyright holders who would sell this stuff to you but maintain ownership.
Jack Krakowski
Friday, May 31, 2024
Jonathan “chancherpancher” Han
Saturday, June 1, 2024
I STILL blame Aaron Peters, that DMCA Trollbot! 😡
El criticante
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Mr. Newman, you are a genious programmer and someone who delighted the lifes of millions of people. But the anger part just prooves that you are either too obtuse or too smug to understand. Here I will explain the fandom of your own game to you.

Nintendo IPS is part of GMod DNA. It has been like that for 20 years. Some of the most famous projects related to your community had Mario following behind. So people got attached to those addons. And if you come here and say "Actually, you need to throw them away now, after 20 years." it's OBVIOUS that people would be pissed off.

Would you find fair that now Valve said "Actually, you need to erase any proof that GMod existed because we said so" Oh wait, my bad. It would be obvious that you wouldn't even care.
Jonathan “chancherpancher” Han
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Stupid Aaron Peters. 😒
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
If you're trying to prove to us that it is Nintendo, then why not contact the company to give us a Statement instead?
dfafafa geageagea
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Garry im 29, i was playing Gmod back when Gmod 9 was the highest version. I still clocked like 1.5K hours in Gmod 13.

People are delusional if they think a registered Trademark can be loosely used, its so alien to me that people have trouble understanding that something that you create and protect can't be used openly. If this was the case you could build a nuclear reactor and you could not sell it anymore because everyone is copying your design. Just like people could use CS2 and make their own CS2 because fuck assets and fuck trademarks right.

The argument "But it was always part of Gmod" is so stupid it hurts, its like saying your favorite restaurant was copying Mcdonalds for 30 years and then suddenly they can't do it anymore but they still should be legally allowed because history. Like for real people are braindead idiots.

Are you people even familiar of what a lawsuit is? A lawsuit can destroy the whole company, better safe than sorry. Im saying this as a developer myself. I had to remove user provided content such as images and server banners because the laws of my contry prohibit swastika and stuff, so even JUST FOR THE CASE someone would use it, i would be held responsible. People think game dev and everything else is not coupled to any laws. Its INSANELY restrictive.
MC Chase Productions
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Gary, this is proof that YOU don't know what you're talking about. If Nintendo really wanted to take down mods, they wouldn't go for a single game like what the troll did, they would have to also tell Valve to not allow them on the Steam Workshop, which would result in Valve having to make a rule stating so, which would mean the death of the Steam Workshop and any games that mentioned a little of any Nintendo IP.

Not to mention the fact that impersonating Nintendo is illegal. 
Thursday, August 1, 2024
I never cared about Aaron Peters, and I'm not surprised if he doesn't exist. while I do agree IPs are a required regulatory thing that every company is going to have, Nintendo has a really weird history of this shit. It's not just your workshop man. It's entitling to believe that their legal team uniquely evolved to be disorganized compared to other companies, either that, or they have an extremely progressive corporate manifesto.

I just don't see why strictly non-monetary user content acts as a fret for any company. I don't think their executive class honestly cares, at least if money is what they're about.

My take, their bits of their legal team probably kept this to the side for several years until eventually they ran out of targets.

This isn't like Valve, and S&Box's whole S2 TF2 Shenanigan, where someone was trying to promote seemingly as a legitimate product, or potentially steal an idea they had and the clout they could've used for it. Sometimes I even think the steam workshop plays a lower role then fan art.

The point I'm trying to make is that none of this is morally bound pardon the way you frame it in your announcement, which is probably what incurred the frustration. No one's interest in life is to follow a company's whole agenda as the consumer, and as the market drifts away from what people at home want, this becomes more apparent.
Matt Krins
Friday, September 27, 2024
"The attitude shouldn't be anger and outrage"
My workshop addon "GarryMon" was DMCA'd today, and guess what - it contains no copyright infringing content from Pokemon outside from maybe some materials which I made.
30,000 people just wrongly lost one of their favorite addons from the platform, and there is nothing I can do about it. I don't have the money to fight a legal case. This makes me angry.

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